Mohammad Kabir Hassan was born in Comilla, Bangladesh, an experienced economist, financial consultant, researcher and lecturer in the fields of development finance, capital markets, Islamic finance, corporate finance, investment, monetary economics, macroeconomics and international trade. Kabir Hassan is a professor of finance in the Department of Economics and Finance at the University of New Orleans. Currently, he holds three Chair positions, namely Hibernia Professor of Economics and Finance, Hancock Whitney Chair Professor in Business, and Bank One Professor in Business at the University of New Orleans.
Kabir Hassan attended Gustavus Adolphus from 1983 - 1985 for his Bachelor's degree. He studied Economics and Mathematics. Then, he continued his education to get a Master's degree at the University of Nebraska with a concentration in Economics and graduated in 1987. For his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree, Kabir Hassan also completed at the University of Nebraska with a concentration in Finance and finished in 1990.
Kabir Hassan is also a consultant and provides advisory services to the World Bank (WB), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Islamic Development Bank (IDB), African Development Bank (AfDB), USAID, Government of Bangladesh, Organization of Islamic Conferences (OIC), Federal Reserve Bank, USA, and many companies, private organisations, and universities around the world.
For his research and work in the field of Islamic Finance, Kabir Hassan won the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Prize in 2016. During 1990-2013, Kabir Hassan made it to the top three speakers in the Financial Management Annual Meeting and won 31 Best Book Awards from Academic Conference presentations.
The development of Islamic Economics is inseparable from the role of Kabir Hassan. Kabir Hassan has created initiatives and social work models that aim to bring sustainable economic growth following sharia values. He continues to endeavour to make Islamic Finance an academic discipline globally. Professor Hassan developed many teaching modules in Islamic banking and finance. There are important aspects of his research findings to provide recommendations for using Islamic finance in stabilising the country's economy and equalising wealth distribution.