The Regional Leadership Council (DPW) of the Indonesian Islamic Economists Association (IAEI) Aceh held its 4th Regional Deliberation (Muswil) on Tuesday (15/11) at the Grand Permata Hati Syariah Hotel, Banda Aceh. The 4-year agenda, which was attended by 23 representatives of IAEI commissariat administrators in all public and private campuses in Aceh province, was held in order to deliberate and deliberate to elect a new management for the period 2022-2026. The Muswil IAEI event was also attended by representatives of government elements, practitioners, Baitul Mal Aceh, Head of Bank Indonesia Aceh Representative.
Prof Nazaruddin AW, MA, Professor of Sharia Economics at UIN Ar-Raniry was deliberately and consensually elected as the Chairman of DPW IAEI Aceh for the period 2022-2026. Prof. Dr M. Shabri Abd. Majid (Chairman of DSA and Professor of FEB USK) and Prof. Afridar, M.Si (Rector of UNIKI-Bireun) were mandated by the formation team to assist the elected chairman in preparing the management.
DPW IAEI Aceh has conducted various educational and socialisation agendas on sharia economy and provided important input for the Aceh government in the implementation and strengthening of sharia economy in Aceh. DPW IAEI Aceh will continue to synergise with IAEI Central to make Aceh the capital, model and centre of Indonesia's Islamic economy and finance. DPW IAEI Aceh is committed to maintaining and strengthening the implementation of sharia economy in Aceh in order to accelerate the realisation of the ideals of the Indonesian nation to become one of the global sharia economic and financial centres as stated in the 2019-2024 Indonesian Sharia Financial Economy Master Plan (MEKSI).
For this reason, IAEI Aceh is highly committed to continuing to preserve the implementation of Islamic economics in Aceh, including the implementation of the Qanun LKS. Islamic LKS is encouraged to continue to improve in providing the best service to the community with operations that are fully in accordance with sharia principles. The existence of Islamic social financial institutions, such as Baitul Mal, needs to increase its contribution in helping the poor through various economic empowerment programmes. Aceh's waqf assets need to be recorded in a waqf database and managed productively under an integrated and professional management institution.
The implementation and strengthening of the Islamic economy which is the vision of IAEI will be realised through strengthening its five missions which are further translated into work programmes, including: developing the quality of Islamic human resources, strengthening synergy between institutions, developing and strengthening international collaboration networks, and strengthening research in the field of Islamic economics and finance and disseminating the results more widely to the public.
In his remarks, the elected DPW Chairman, Prof Nazaruddin AW, MA, hoped that all IAEI members throughout Aceh could strengthen their ranks and work together to maintain and preserve the implementation of Islamic economics in a kaffah manner in realising the welfare of the people of Aceh free from elements of usury, gharar, and maysir.
This was fully supported by the members of the regional meeting, including Achris Sarwani (Chairman of BI Aceh Representative), Haizir Sulaiman (Former Managing Director of Bank Aceh Syariah), Sugito (Managing Director of BPRS Hikmah Wakilah), Mohammad Haikal (Chief Commissioner of Baitul Mal Aceh), Dr. Ridwan Nurdin (USK Academician), Dr. Israk Ahmadsyah and Dr. Zaki Fuad (UIN Ar-Raniry Academician), and Dr. Abdul Hamid (IAIN Langsa Academician).