The East Java Regional Leadership Council of the Association of Islamic Economic Experts (IAEI) held a hybrid Regional Working Meeting (Rakerwil) II on Thursday (9/12), after previously holding a National Seminar on Islamic Economics with the theme "The Role of Sharia Infrastructure Financing in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs)”.
IAEI East Java Regional Working Meeting II scheduled 2 discussions regarding the preparation of job descriptions for the 2021-2025 IAEI East Java DPW Regional Chairs; and preparation of work programs for each field. In the management of the DPW which was newly inaugurated on October 29 2021, IAEI East Java appointed 6 Deputy Chairmen who have working areas. This is because East Java Province has 38 districts/cities, so this formation was agreed upon during the Regional Conference on August 6 2021.
In this Rakerwil, additional job descriptions were agreed for each Regional Chair. Chairman I also oversees areas related to the Halal Center and Halal Inspection Institutions. Chair II is also in charge of publications and research. Chairman III is in charge of fields related to educational institutions and Islamic boarding schools. Chair IV is in charge of areas related to human resources and microfinance institutions. Chairman V is in charge of fields related to international relations and zakat infaq al waqf (ZISWAF). Chairman VI is in charge of fields related to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and entrepreneurship.
Regarding the work program, it was agreed that this matter would be discussed at a follow-up forum. Today's Regional Working Meeting agreed to provide Work Program Guidelines and Activity Program Plans that can be developed by each sector together with the Regional Chairs. This regional working meeting was attended by around 45 of the total 58 IAEI East Java DPW administrators in a hybrid manner. On this occasion, it was agreed that funding for activities would continue to apply the previous policy, namely synergy with stakeholders.