The Regional Leadership Council (DPW) of the Indonesian Association of Islamic Economists (IAEI) Bengkulu together with the IAEI Central Leadership Council and the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business (FEBI) of Fatmawati Sukarno State Islamic University (UIN) Bengkulu held a National Seminar on Sharia Financial Planning with the theme "Sharia Financial Planning in the Digitalization Era" on Saturday (16/12) at the Djamaan Nur Building of UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu.
Present as speakers were Hari Soul Putra as the Socialization and Education Division of the DPP IAEI, Prof. Dr. H. Supardi, M.Ag. as Dean of FEBI, and Dr. Desi Isnaini, MA, as Chairperson of DPW IAEI Bengkulu, as well as DPW IAEI Bengkulu administrators and FEBI UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu students as participants.
The seminar, which was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business of UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu, Prof. Dr. Supardi, M.Ag, provided knowledge about Changing the mindset about money and finance from conventional to sharia; Managing the cash flow of self and family to be financially healthy in 2024; Getting around financial problems in the digitalization era so that money is not lost quickly and grows; Practical steps in financial management for self and family with simple principles but still within the corridors of sharia, and of course it will be easy to use in daily financial activities of self and family.
Financial planning in Islamic sharia is the process of making decisions from a number of choices, to achieve a desired goal with financial management, namely planning, budgeting, checking, managing, and controlling activities, in the search for and storage of funds / wealth / assets, which are not contrary to sharia and based on Islamic law, namely the Qur'an and Hadith. Something that is regulated in sharia, such as financial planning, is aimed at bringing benefits, both in the form of realizing and maintaining benefits.
Hopefully, this activity can open insights, especially for FEBI students, that this financial planning will encourage us to apply sharia principles in every transaction made. Thus, ensuring that every decision taken is not only oriented towards material gain, but also prioritizes religious values and increases devotion.